February 20, 2014

Why a Smile Will Change Your Day

This post is about the physical and social impacts of a single smile.

The Smile Defined
I decided to just type “smiling” into Google and the first definition I saw was from? Yep you guessed it, Wikipedia. Wikipedia defines smiling as a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles near both ends of the mouth and by flexing muscles throughout the mouth. So I tried it, but instead of turning my facial muscles around my mouth up, I formed them down. That created something very different. So my search continued. The definition from www.thefreedictionary.com would be closer to how I define smile, “A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision.” I like this definition because it shows that not all smiles are created equal. We can smile for pleasure and amusement, but we can also use smiles to mock or scorn. Today we are going to focus on using our smiles for good.

Physical Impacts of a Smile
Smiling is one of the most universal human expressions. No matter your culture, age, or sex, smiling is a consistent facial expression -- most often demonstrated among children. Smiling makes you feel better. After years of evolution, our complicated bodies have adapted very easy ways to make itself feel better. Research has shown the simple motion of turning the corners up on our mouths, triggers a release of endorphins and serotonin, which makes us feel good. Studies have also shown that smiling can reduce stress, improve your blood pressure and boost your immune system. Smiling makes you appear younger and can reduce aggression. People who smile more often, tend to live longer. Next time you are feeling a little blue, take a second and smile, see how you feel. Believe it or not, that small motion can help change your mood.

Social Impacts of a Smile
As humans we all want to feel connected. We are most happy when we are part of a group; that can be family, community, sports team affiliations, religious groups, etc. We are happiest when we are a part of something and smiles can help make that happen. Smiles help connect us. Smiles invite people in. Smiles create comfort and put anxieties at ease. A single smile can change the mood in a group, and change an entire experience.  A smile can take you from sitting in the corner alone, to a trusted friend and confidant. One study suggests that people trust others who offer a genuine smile. Sharing your smile will create more opportunities for you to connect and for others to connect with you.

But What if They Don’t Smile Back
I can’t tell you how many times this response comes up in training. You have to understand that I am the person who will basically interrupt someone’s intense phone reading (you know reading email, texts, whatever) to say “good morning/good afternoon.” My standard response to that question is “so!” I really don't care if people don't smile back. Why would I ever let someone response dictate my positive actions? Unfortunately our culture has moved away from manners and common courtesies. But, I believe we can go back, I mean who would have thought 80's fashion would be back! I believe that it only takes a few of us to start the kindness cultural revolution. A few years back, I decided I was going to actively pursue a connection with everyone who crossed my path. In some cases it would be a verbal, personal connection, but for most it would be two small acts, making eye contact and smiling. Mostly people smile back. Other times, I think people are caught off guard and don't know what to do. So I say, have courage, be brave… smile first.

Smiling Daily Will Change Your Life
As a self-proclaimed ambassador of kindness and courtesy, I have committed to being kind and smiling, even when I'm not having the best day. Anyone who lives in LA can attest to the frustrations of traffic-- the 405 tests my kindness and courtesy regularly.  On the (rare) days where I am scowling in the car and in a perpetual state of pissed-offedness (my own word), I get a headache, nothing on the radio sounds good and just feel all around terrible. When I can just let it go smile and embrace the moment, I feel completely relaxed and seem to travel and arrive at my destination in a better disposition. 

The positive impact you get from smiling outweighs any potential downside. Smiles are contagious. Smiles are free. Offering up smiles daily will not only benefit your health and mental well-being, but will improve the lives of the people you encounter. I try to smile at everyone because I never know when that small act will be the one thing that takes a person from a negative state to a positive one. In the words of the fabulous Mr. Nat King Cole “Smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking, when there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by, if you smile through your fear and sorrow, smile and maybe tomorrow, you'll see the sun come shining through for you.” Try it! 

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